Image from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Stage 1 of the 2022 statutory review of the WA Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) has opened.  

The BAM Act 2007 provides a legal framework that supports biosecurity and agriculture management for the State by providing the essential powers and duties that enable:

  • leadership in the biosecurity system
  • shared responsibility, including funding arrangements and cost recovery for some areas of biosecurity
  • surveillance for pests, weeds and diseases
  • timely responses to incursions, and
  • long-term management of pests, weeds and diseases that have established in WA.

The 2022 review of the BAM Act is being carried out by an independent six-member panel), appointed by the Minister for Agriculture and Food.

Have YOUR Say – Meaningful engagement from WA’s biosecurity and agriculture management stakeholders, including the general public, is wanted.  To provide YOUR INPUT, visit:  This is open for submission until 27 July 2022.

Input received will help the Review Panel understand how the BAM Act has supported WA’s biosecurity and agriculture management over the past 10 years, and how it can continue to do so – and be sure that any recommendations coming from the review are well-informed and purposeful. The Panel has designed a three-stage engagement process:

  • Stage 1 is open submissions and a survey to identify major themes and issues
  • This will provide the foundation for Stage 2 – participatory processes to further explore the themes and issues
  • Stage 3 will include broader engagement to get feedback on the findings and potential solutions

Read more about the review at: