Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is led by a passionate, skills-based Board of volunteer members representing communities within our Operational Area. Our Board members provide a diverse range of knowledge and experience for guiding the group’s strategic direction and acting as the caretakers of the operational and financial accountability of the group. 

As members of our local communities, Board members bring both knowledge from their individual areas of expertise and experiences, as well as local insights, providing valuable, timely and locally relevant guidance for our operational team to address biosecurity issues affecting the environment, industry, agriculture and lifestyle within our area.  The Board provides for sound governance and oversight of the group with focus on forwarding the group’s role in promoting and supporting the management of declared pests – both plant and animal. 

Members of the Leschenault Biosecurity Group Board – November 2022

Expressions of Interest Invited – Contribute YOUR Experience and Expertise
Are YOU Interested in Joining our Board of Management?

  • Do you have experience and skills in agriculture and/or environmental sciences or related experience in strategic planning, governance, business, risk and/or financial management?
  • Are you passionate about the protection and long-term sustainability of our local agriculture, environment, diverse land uses and overall natural biodiversity?
  • Do you have a couple of hours to spare each month as an involved volunteer to support governance and management of the LBG, your Recognised Biosecurity Group?

We welcome your expresssion of interest to become a member of our very dedicated, skills-based board to provide support and collaboration with other community members toward protection of our region from the impact of declared pests.

We welcome YOUR Expression of Interest in joining our Board of Management.
Please submit your interest by clicking on the link at the top of this page or
if you would like to discuss, please ring us on 0477 049 967.  

NOTE: You must be or become a LBG member to be eligible for nomination to the LBG Board of Management.

As a representation of community, LBG relies on membership to determine our priorities and goals in pest management. The higher the community involvement, the better we can represent your needs. Membership is free. See our Membership page for details of membership.