LBG Shop and Hire
Leschenault Biosecurity Group Shop and Hire
Do you have a pesky pest problem, but don’t have equipment readily available to address? We have a range of helpful tools and equipment available for landholders of properties 1 hectare or greater in size within the LBG operational area to loan free of charge.
Please enquire for loan or more information at or ring us on 0477 049 967.
Available equipment and tools includes:
Equipment for weeds and pest plant control:
- Handheld and Backpack herbicide sprayers
- Tree Poppers – can be used for pulling out cotton bush or other unwanted, woody trees.
- 2.4m winged 50L weed wiper, easily hooked up behind your vehicle them in their control of the toxic declared weed Cape Tulip
- 400L trailer-mounted Quick Spray unit for large, hard to reach weeds infestations (with 200m remote winding hose!- Great for Blackberry)
Traps for both Rabbits & Foxes
Warren Smoker (to identify all entrances/exits)
Monitoring Cameras for pest surveillance
Southern Weeds and their control is a useful guide to Weed Management. We are pleased to offer our members the booklet at the special rate of $10.00 per copy. CONTACT US to purchase a copy today.
Fox Trap Hire
We have various fox traps available for hire. Conditions do apply.
Weed Wiper Chemical Unit Hire
We have a Weed Wiper, as pictured below, that can be hired for control of weeds such as Cape Tulip, Paterson’s Curse and others in acreage. This equipment can be picked up from our office using, along with our fit for purpose trailer, or we can make delivery arrangements with you. The weed wiper can be towed behind any vehicle & will only kill those weeds that have emerged above the pasture. Target weeds sre treated through direct contact with a herbicide rather than a conventional spray boom which can affect off-target pasture species. This equipment is available for loan to landholders within our operational area, providing for a tool that makes the control process much more time- efficient and less costly. Use of this type of weed wiper provides for application of herbicide directly to the plant, putting chemical on the weeds rather than the whole pasture.
LBG related training and induction is a requirement for hire.
To hire or for more information, please contact us
or ring us on 0477 049 967.
400-Litre Chemical Spray Unit Hire
We have a trailer-mounted 400-liter “Quik Spray” Unit available for use by Declared Pest Rate ratepayers within our operational area. This equipment can be used to address large infestations of declared pest weeds in hard to reach areas on your property.
LBG related training and induction is a requirement for hire.
For more information, please complete brief “Expression of Interest to Hire” at link below.