Control time for Arum Lily is NOW while it is in full bloom. Let’s work together to Seize the Opportunity to Help Manage this Invasive Plant’s Spread. 

We appreciate the proactive landholders who’ve already connected with our team for assistance in tackling the challenge of controlling Arum Lily on their property and the community members reporting their concerns for sighted infestations. Private landholders within our operational area are encouraged to contact us if they would like guidance and support for Arum Lily control on their properties. The LBG team is actively engaged in many actions to help tackle this issue and support landholders, including providing:

  • Free Herbicide, decanted in quantities specific to small property needs
  • Equipment Loan
  • Control Guidance
  • Site Visits to Assess
  • Validation of Reported Sightings and Attempts to Identify & Contact Applicable Landholders to Advise of Need to Address Infestation
  • Liaison with DPIRD and others as applicable

Why it Matters – Arum lilies (Zantedeschia aethiopica) pose a significant threat to our native plant and animal species, as they outcompete native vegetation and disrupt local ecosystems. The plant’s rapid growth rate and high reproductive capacity, allow it to quickly establish and aggressively out complete native plants reducing biodiversity, creating a dense monoculture, disrupting and decimating natural habitats. This highly invasive, destructive pest plant forms a monoculture, reducing  food and habitat for native wildlife and pasture productivity and is toxic to most stock, pets and humans.  Effective management strategies include a combination of mechanical, chemical, and  biological  control  methods.

Contact LBG to discuss Arum Lily control concerns for your property.
p: 0477 049 968; e: