Registered Pesticide Permit Applications

LBG can assist with Permit Applications for Use of Registered Pesticides (RPs)

The Leschenault Biosecurity Group can assist landholders within our operational area with subsidy of the cost of a Registered Pesticide (RP) Permit, along with application guidance.  If you are interested in obtaining an RP permit, please contact us to discuss your eligibility and the related process.

Contact LBG to discuss how we may be able to assist you by e-mail or phone: or 0477 049 967.

Why is a permit needed?

Permits are required for landholders to possess and use registered 1080 or stychnine products for vertebrate animal control. Before purchasing and using these products you must complete required training, ensure you comply with relevant Acts, Regulations and Legislation, and obtain the appropriate permit(s). The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development charge a fee of $83.50 (GST inclusive) for the assessment and processing of a Registered Pesticide Permit. There is also a fee of $41.25 for permit amendments that apply for use of 1080, PAPP and strychnine.
LBG can provide permit application assistance, including provision for waivers of related fees.

Minimum requirements for Registered Pesticide applications for permits:       

LBG can provide permit application assistance, including waivers for related fees.

  • You must complete online RP training
  • Your property must be greater than 10 hectares / 25 acres
    (If property under 10ha/25ac – special conditions may be considered)
  • Baiting to be a minimum of 150 metres from any dwellings
  • Property must located outside an urban zone
  • Property located outside a public drinking water catchment area
  • You can store 1080 safely in a locked cabinet

Find our more about this permit:
WA DPIRD Registered Pesticide Permits