Cape Tulip, a declared pest and significant weed of pasture, contains toxic chemicals called glycosides which affect the hear.
Cattle are most commonly affected.

New Resource Available to DPR Ratepayers within LBG Operational Area For More Cost-Effective and Efficient Control
As the Cape Tulip control season approaches, we are pleased to announce the acquisition of a Weed Wiper, as pictured here, providing for effective & efficient control of Cape Tulip in acreage. The weed wiper can be towed behind any vehicle & will only kill those weeds that have emerged above the pasture. Target weeds such as Cape Tulip & young Cotton Bush are treated through direct contact with a herbicide rather than a conventional spray boom which can affect off-target pasture species. This equipment is available for loan to landholders within our operational area, providing for a tool for control of Cape Tulip making the control process much more time- efficient and less costly. Use of this type of weed wiper provides for application of herbicide directly to the plant, putting chemical on the weeds rather than the whole pasture.

Cape Tulip Control – Cape Tulip is notoriously difficult to control. In paddock environments, it is a particular challenge given the small window of opportunity for landholders to apply a selective chemical treatment. When the flowering stem emerges above the pasture, then a wick or blanket wiper can be applied to the protruding stalks above the grass without affecting productivity. As a guide, keep a close eye on the flower stalks and wait until they begin to bolt & bud and then consider your equipment options. Once the flowers have opened and begun to set seed, it’s too late! You can also dig up a corm and have a look- if the corm is looking shrivelled with small fleshy roots beginning to form, it’s time to treat.

This Invasive Weed is Poisonous and Competes With and Replaces Native Ground Cover Plants – Like many other serious weeds, Cape Tulips were introduced to Australia as garden plants because of their attractive flowers and hardy nature. They are now a declared pest weed and widespread across the south west. Both one-leaf and two-leaf Cape Tulips are serious weeds of pasture. Animals will selectively graze clovers and other more palatable species, and this allows Cape Tulips to flourish. They contain toxic chemicals called glycosides which affect the heart. Cattle are most commonly affected and poisoning usually occurs when stock unaccustomed to the plant are placed on heavily infested pastures. About a kilogram of fresh leaf material is enough to cause death overnight. Sheep are rarely affected, although they are susceptible to the toxins. Placing very hungry sheep on infested green or dry pasture may result in poisoning. Additionally this weed competes with and replaces desirable plants in pasture and severely impedes the growth and regeneration of native ground cover.

Find out more about Cape Tulip at:

Contact LBG directly for more information about the weed wiper:  or ring us on 0477 049 967