DPIRD senior development officer Rosalie McCauley (right) and plant disease epidemiologist Peter Scott are encouraging community members to sign up for this year’s
TREEmendous Biosecurity Blitz 24 September to 24 October 2022 

Join in DPIRD’s 2022 Biosecurity Blitz with this year’s focus on TREES aimed to protect Western Australia’s trees from an increasing number of exotic threats.

Western Australians are encouraged to help protect the State’s trees and sign up now for the TREEmendous Biosecurity Blitz. The annual Biosecurity Blitz is part of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD’s) commitment to deliver a robust biosecurity system to support our industries and protect our environment and lifestyle. DPIRD senior development officer Rosalie McCauley said the TREEmendous Biosecurity Blitz aimed to protect Western Australia’s trees from an increasing number of exotic threats across our horticultural and forest industries and urban and bushland environments.


Those who join the TREEmendous Biosecurity Blitz will receive a weekly email with useful pest identification and tree health tips, information on priority tree pests, activities and invitations to webinars and workshops.

“Whether you work in horticulture or forestry, like to bushwalk, have trees in your backyard, in the local park or on your street, you can help protect our trees into the future by checking them for pests and diseases and reporting any you find during the Blitz,” Dr McCauley said.

“This year the TREEmendous Biosecurity Blitz runs from 24 September to 24 October 2022 – that’s 30 days to look for, take a photo and send in a report using DPIRD’s MyPestGuide® Reporter app of every tree pest and disease in your neighbourhood.”  Dr McCauley said the Blitz was an important part of DPIRD’s collaboration with industry and the community to increase pest and disease surveillance.

“Every report helps to increase the likelihood that serious pests and diseases will be detected early, giving us a better chance to eradicate or contain them,” she said.  “Negative reports also support our access to valuable export markets by contributing to evidence that WA is free from serious pests and diseases.”