Winter Rains, Abundant Food Spur Increased Feral Pig Activity
Landholders & LBG Work Together for Success in Tackling Pigs on the Move

Spurred by winter rains, water courses are flowing and food is abundant for feral pigs within the south west region of beautiful Western Australia, resulting in increased movements with pigs venturing further, making their presence known as they wreak havoc on local properties.

In response to this increased activity over the winter, the Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) has worked closely with several landholders to successfully remove feral pigs from the landscape within the group’s operational area. Efforts over the past several weeks have resulted in the elimination of 18 pigs from neighbouring properties, including two big boars, 11 pigs from another local property, including 1 boar and 7 pigs from another property. This success was achieved primarily through collaboration with individual landholders and use of the group’s HOGGONE® Feral Pig Management System.

Optimal implementation of this program requires teamwork! When a landholder reports sightings or suspected feral pig activity, LBG staff conduct a site visit to inspect the area and set up a surveillance camera to verify and quantify the pigs on the property and, when applicable, place an empty HOGGONE bait box to allow the pigs to become comfortable with its presence. This program is a team effort throughout the process between the LBG and individual landholders. Following numerous successes, LBG is confident in this program’s ability to effectively and humanely remove groups of more than 15 pigs at a time and finds it to be a highly effective feral pig control method for our peri-urban environment.

You can read more about this program at: LBG Feral Pig HOGGONE Management System

Report feral pig activity! Every feral pig removed from the landscape is a crucial step in controlling their population expansion.
Unfortunately feral pigs are established and widespread across the country. Our collective challenge is to maintain vigilance in trying to control their population growth and their area of spread. Collaboration and vigilance are key!

Contact LBG for Feral Pig Control support within our operational area:

e-mail:  phone: 0477 049 967