Join us in Yabberup for a Feral Pig Control Workshop!

Summer is the ideal time to take action to control feral pigs. With less green feed and water around, feral pigs have smaller home ranges – often near rivers, dams or creek lines – making them easier to target. Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s use of the HOGGONE system has proven to be highly effective for feral pig management within our operational area – removing mobs of up to 14 pigs at a time – and this workshop will show you how it works and what is involved. We will also have several HOGGONE Bait Boxes & Trail Cameras on the day for loan to landholders within our Operational Area.

This workshop is part of the on-going Saving Native Species in Wellington National Park Program. However, this workshop is open to EVERYONE, not just project participants.

Please register by e-mail at or call 0428 990 299
We look forward to seeing you there!

#feralpigcontrol #protectingnativespecies #leschenaultbiosecuritygroup #leschenaultcatchmentcouncil #southwestnrm

This workshop is a part of the Saving Native Species in the Wellington National Park Project which is being delivered by the South West Natural Resource Management and the Leschenault Catchment Council with ground works support from the Leschenault Biosecurity Group.  This program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s ‘Saving Native Species’ Program.