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A draft national plan to address the exploding numbers of feral deer across Australia was released in December.
Have Your Say on the draft Plan, open for public comment thru 20th March 2023.
The National Feral Deer Action Plan is focused on supporting farmers, communities, organisations and government agencies to stop the spread and impacts of feral deer. In just 30 years, farmers have seen feral deer go from being a novel addition to the landscape to a widespread and established pest across much of Australia. The spread of feral deer across the country is leading many farmers and conservationists to regard them as Australia’s next rabbit. Deer are already well-established invasive species in much of the natural areas on the east coast and it is predicted that without action, feral deer will be significantly invasive across the country. They cause serious environmental damage, destroy gardens, contaminate critical water catchments, increase risk of motorist fatalities and are already costing farmers millions annually in damage to crops. Some fear that feral deer may become “our next rabbit”!
Public consultation on the draft plan closes on Monday 20 March 2023 at 5pm AEDT.
Click on the following link to find out more: Have you say on Draft National Feral Deer Action Plan
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