LBG Arum Lily Project
Leschenault Biosecurity Group Arum Lily Project 2020
What is Arum Lily?
Arum lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica), is originally from South Africa and was introduced to Australia as a garden plant. It is also sometimes called the Calla, Death or White lily. It established quickly in the South West as weed species. Arum Lily is a declared pest in WA under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act). It is a robust plant that reproducing by both seed and vegetatively. It spreads by birds or other fauna dispersing the seed, or by the transportation of tuber (root) fragments. Arum Lily is a perennial, so the above-ground portion dies off about December each year before growing back in autumn and flowering from August to October.
Why is it a problem?
Arum lily infests bushland, wetlands, pastoral areas and other important landscapes. It outcompetes native vegetation and reduces the availability of food and habitat for wildlife. When left uncontrolled it can form thick monocultures, completely devastating the ecosystem. Arum lily also competes with valuable pasture plants on agricultural land. It is also toxic and can cause eczema, allergic reactions and illness in humans, as well as being potentially fatal to stock and pets if ingested.
For these reasons, Arum Lily is a huge threat to the environment, agriculture and tourism.
What needs to happen?
The first step to managing this weed in our area is to get as many people on board as possible. Some people believe controlling Arum Lily is a ‘lost cause’, however when done properly, control can be quite simple and cost effective. This weed has not spread everywhere within the LBG area yet- we still have time to contain and control it!? As a declared pest, landowners actually have an obligation under the BAM Act to manage the weed. LBG can assist landholders fulfil this obligation.
How do we control it?
When done right, Arum Lily is an easy plant to kill. With just a small amount of chlorsulfuron when the plants start to flower, we can achieve a 90% reduction of the plants sprayed. A follow up after two years will hopefully eliminate the problem! The herbicide we recommend is Chlorsulfuron, and only a very small amount is needed to be effective. It degrades rapidly and has low levels of toxicity. LBG can offer eligible landholders the resources you need, including free herbicide, to make it as easy for you as possible. If you have a large infestation and would prefer to outsource the job, we have a list of highly experienced contractors who can help you.
LBG is engaging local government and state organisations to do their part. But this plant spreads quickly with ease, so it’s critical all landholders take part. Even if one property owner fastidiously sprays, they might experience recurring infestations because a neighbouring property owner isn’t acting. Please do your part! By working together as a community, we can make a real difference.
Am I eligible?
All Declared Pest Rated property owners are eligible to participate in the fully subsidised project. If you live in the City of Bunbury, Shire of Dardanup, Shire of Capel or the northern half of the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup and own a property larger than 1 hectare, you should be eligible.
The localities we cover in the Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup include: Argyle, Beelerup, Brookhampton, Charley Creek, Cundinup, Donnybrook, Glen Mervyn, Kirup, Lowden, Mumbellup, Newlands, Noggerup, Paynedale, Queenwood, Thomson Brook, Upper Capel and Yabberup.
If you don’t own a property that meets those criteria, don’t worry! We can still help you in other ways. Contact us to find out how.
How do I sign up?
To be involved, LBG needs you to fill in an expression of interest form.
For further information or if you have any further queries CONTACT US
0488 021 344