by admin | Jun 27, 2022 | News
Pigs eating at one of Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Feral Pig Control HOGGONE® System Installation Sites Leschenault Biosecurity Group is pleased to be an active member of the WA Feral Pig Advisory Group (WAFPAG). The group, supported by DPIRD, is chaired by...
by admin | Jun 10, 2022 | News
Pictured above, left to right: Polyphagous shot-hole borer in a maple tree; Exit holes in a tree created by polyphagous shot-hole borer. This beetle attacks a wide range of plants by tunnelling into trunks, stems and branches. Establishment of this pest in WA would...
by admin | Dec 1, 2021 | News
What do Recognised Biosecurity Groups do? How is the Declared Pest Rate used? How does any of this benefit our communities? How does this benefit individual property owners? How can YOU be involved? Our Executive Officer, Ange Pusey, recently talked to Barry Green...
by admin | Sep 30, 2021 | News
Declared Pest Control can only be successful in a strategic coordinated approach across the whole of the landscape. Everyone needs to be involved and everyone needs to be resourced and supported. WA Revenue is in the process of issuing payment notices for the Declared...
by admin | Jul 31, 2021 | News
Biosecurity Mattes to ALL of Us! LBG wishes to share the below important message from DPIRD. 30.07.21 DPIRD Media Release – “Be biosecure for this season’s farm field days” “Field day organisers, farmers and visitors have a duty of care to reduce...
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