Draft National Feral Deer Action Plan – Have Your Say

Draft National Feral Deer Action Plan – Have Your Say

Image credit:  www.feraldeerplan.org.au A draft national plan to address the exploding numbers of feral deer across Australia was released in December. Have Your Say on the draft Plan, open for public comment thru 20th March 2023. The National Feral Deer Action Plan...
DPIRD call for assistance to locate declared pest birds

DPIRD call for assistance to locate declared pest birds

DPIRD Media Release – 24 November 2022:  Call for public to help locate declared pest birds Even pretty birds can be a pest! Members of the public across WA are being asked to help locate declared pest birds by keeping their eyes on the sky, and reporting any...
‘Come Clean, Go Clean’ Field Days Biosecurity Reminder

‘Come Clean, Go Clean’ Field Days Biosecurity Reminder

DPIRD reminds people attending field days to clean vehicles, equipment, tools and clothing to minimise the biosecurity risk of spreading pests, weeds and diseases The annual field day season is underway, prompting the Department of Primary Industries and Regional...