Invasive pest browsing ant eradicated from WA

Invasive pest browsing ant eradicated from WA

DPIRD has eradicated the invasive pest, browsing ants, following a five year campaign, pictured here, along with photo of DPIRD project officer Carly Murray and biosecurity officer Zachary Oxley as they inspect a Welshpool premise for browsing ants during the...
Animals Seized in Suspected Illegal Trade Investigation

Animals Seized in Suspected Illegal Trade Investigation

Operation combats suspected illegal animal trade A joint-agency investigation resulted in the seizure of a range of suspected illegally kept exotic and native animals in Perth in June. Several exotic animals including an African spurred tortoise, a caiman crocodile...
National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023

National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023

The inaugural National Feral Pig Conference will be held 20-21 June 2023, with the purpose to provide an opportunity for land managers, community groups, jurisdictions, NRM organisations and research agencies to come together to share benefits from working together in...
Declared Pest Rate Consultation:  Have Your Say

Declared Pest Rate Consultation: Have Your Say

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) invites submissions on the proposed declared pest rates for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2023 which are to be determined under section 130 of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management...