Invasive pest browsing ant eradicated from WA

Invasive pest browsing ant eradicated from WA

DPIRD has eradicated the invasive pest, browsing ants, following a five year campaign, pictured here, along with photo of DPIRD project officer Carly Murray and biosecurity officer Zachary Oxley as they inspect a Welshpool premise for browsing ants during the...
BAM Act Review – Stage 3 Consultation

BAM Act Review – Stage 3 Consultation

25 May 2023 Media Release from Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development  Final chance to have say on the review of WA’s biosecurity laws – Consultation Closes 30 June 2023 Western Australians can have their say on the opportunities for reform...
National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023

National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023

The inaugural National Feral Pig Conference will be held 20-21 June 2023, with the purpose to provide an opportunity for land managers, community groups, jurisdictions, NRM organisations and research agencies to come together to share benefits from working together in...