Newsletters, Updates & On-going Activities
Stay informed of current initiatives, programs and activities by reading our latest newsletters and updates and connecting with us on social media.
- LBG Newsletter December 2024
- LBG Newsletter November 2024
- LBG Newsletter October 2024
- LBG Newsletter September 2024
- LBG Newsletter August 2024
- LBG Newsletter July 2024
- LBG Newsletter June 2024
- LBG Newsletter May 2024
- LBG Newsletter April 2024
- LBG Newsletter March 2024
- LBG Newsletter February 2024
- LBG Newsletter January 2024
Calicivirus “K5” Release Program – Participant Workshops
Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 Release Program Participant Workshops Join us in a free workshop to gain an...
Feral Pig Control Workshop – part of the Saving Native Species in the Wellington National Park Project
Join us in Yabberup for a Feral Pig Control Workshop! Summer is the ideal time to take action to...
Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 Summer 2024-2025 Release Program
The LBG is facilitating its annual summer Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 (K5) Release Program with...
Biosecurity Alert – Be on lookout for invasive pokeweed
images - left to right: A single flowering pokeweed plant was recently confirmed in a Mirrabooka...
Invasive pest browsing ant eradicated from WA
DPIRD has eradicated the invasive pest, browsing ants, following a five year campaign, pictured...
Queensland Fruit Fly Detected in Perth’s Southern Suburbs
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is responding to the...
New Team to Support WA Bee Industry for Protection from Varroa Mite
Six new specialist DPIRD development officers will work with industry to help prevent the serious...
LBG Annual General Meeting
Join us at our upcoming AGM! REGISTER to Attend the LBG 2023-2024 AGM What: Leschenault...
South West to Watch for Rainbow Lorikeets
SW residents are asked to report any suspected sightings of Rainbow Lorikeets immediately to DPIRD...
Animals Seized in Suspected Illegal Trade Investigation
Operation combats suspected illegal animal trade A joint-agency investigation resulted in the...
Arum Lily Control Workshops
Biosecurity Alert – RAINBOW LORIKEETS
There have been some recent suspected sightings of Rainbow Lorikeets in the Australind/Bunbury...
LBG Winter Feral Pig Control – HOGGONE Successes Continue!
Winter Rains, Abundant Food Spur Increased Feral Pig Activity Landholders & LBG Work Together...
Bunbury-area Residents – Please Be On LOOKOUT for European wasps
Pictured above is WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Inspector, Kris...
WA Leads Way with Cutting Edge Equipment, Bolstering Biosecurity Measures within Livestock Industry
image from WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website WA Leads Way with...
Cleavers…Vigilance Required to Stop the Spread
Cleavers (Galium aparine) species is derived from the Greek word ‘clinging’ which is aptly named!...
Grants for Cattle Biosecurity Research & Development Projects
Funding is available for biosecurity research and development grants to protect and enhance...
“Pop-up” Rabbit Control Workshop @ Gelorup Community Market
Rabbits and Summer Weeds Management Advice LBG at the November Gelorup Market 10:30am - Sunday, 5...
Join us at our Annual General Meeting!
Join us at our upcoming AGM! REGISTER to Attend the LBG 2022-2023 AGM What: Leschenault...
Arum Lily Attack Underway
ARUM LILY ATTACK UNDERWAY Control time for Arum Lily is NOW while it is in full bloom. Let's work...
Locals Empowered and Qualifications Gained as Part of Collaborative Feral Pig Management Efforts
As part of collaborative feral pig management in the South West, the Leschenault Biosecurity Group...
BAM Act Review – Stage 3 Consultation
25 May 2023 Media Release from Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development Final...
National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023
The inaugural National Feral Pig Conference will be held 20-21 June 2023, with the purpose to...
Declared Pest Rate Consultation: Have Your Say
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) invites submissions on the...
Post-Fire Response to Weed Control
POST FIRE RESPONSE TO WEED CONTROL On the afternoon of the 20th of December, a fire started on...
Quarantine Area to Support Queensland Fruitfly Eradication
Residents and businesses in parts of the Cities of Bayswater and Belmont have been called on to...
WA DPIRD Quarantine Protocols Help Contain Marine Pest
To prevent the spread of carpet sea squirt (Didemnum vexillum), WA DPIRD Quarantine Area...
National Fruit Fly Symposium 2023 & Related Webniar Series
National Fruit Fly Symposium, 20-21 July 2023, Adelaide SA The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC)...
Pest Parrots and Cockatoos – Have YOUR Say thru new survey
Pest parrots and cockatoos the target of new survey - The WA Pest Parrot and Cockatoo Management...
Draft National Feral Deer Action Plan – Have Your Say
Image credit: A draft national plan to address the exploding numbers of...
Collaboration to Tackle Significant Cotton Bush Infestation
Cotton Bush Infestation inThomson Brook Collaboration provided for an effective treatment program...
Weeds as Fuel for Fire – An Added Challenge for Fire Control
Weeds as Fuel for Fire – Some Insights regarding the impact of weeds as an added challenge for...
Research Project Unblocks Barrier to Using Hot Water for Fruit Fly Disinfestation in Mangos
DPIRD technical officer Helena O’Dwyer (left), research scientist Tara Slaven and Griffith...
Sheep, cows and climate in the spotlight at Perth forum – Participate in Person or Online
Livestock producers, scientists and interested stakeholders are encouraged to register for...
AgriFutures Australia’s evokeAG 2023 Down to Earth – February 2023
evokeAG 2023 participants will include farmers, innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, investors,...
Operation Flower Meadow highlighting bee biosecurity traceability
DPIRD’s Operation Flower Meadow is underway to reinforce biosecurity traceability in WA’s valuable...
DPIRD call for assistance to locate declared pest birds
DPIRD Media Release - 24 November 2022: Call for public to help locate declared pest birds Even...
LBG featured in National Feral Pig Action Plan Newsletter
Leschenault Biosecurity Group is pleased to have our feral pig control program successes...
2022-2032 Threatened Species Action Plan Released
The Threatened Species Action Plan: Towards Zero Extinction was announced on 4 October 2022 by the...
BAM Act Review Stage 2 – Have your say thru 4 Dec 2022
Submissions to a review of WA’s biosecurity laws close on 4 December. The review will reinforce...
Tell NO PORKIES: Feral Pig Control is essential & a big part of the LBG’s on-going activities
Leschenault Biosecurity Group sets up feral pig control site in response to landholder reported...
Optimal Cotton Bush Control Time is NOW!
COTTON BUSH CONTROL is best achieved during Spring & Summer The time to control cotton bush is...
LBG Annual General Meeting 23 November 2022
Community members within our operational area are invited to our 2021-2022 Annual General Meeting ...
National Wild Dog Plan Survey – WA Respondents Sought
The National Wild Dog Action Plan organisation is seeking public input on the progress of wild dog...
Livestock Identification Compliance Operation _ DPIRD 30 Sept 2022 Media Release
Livestock identification in the spotlight for compliance operation Western Australian livestock...
Weeds ID & Advice Workshop
Weed Identification & Advice Workshop Join us for an informative, interactive workshop about...
‘Come Clean, Go Clean’ Field Days Biosecurity Reminder
DPIRD reminds people attending field days to clean vehicles, equipment, tools and clothing to...
Tree Pests in the Spotlight for 2022 Biosecurity Blitz
DPIRD senior development officer Rosalie McCauley (right) and plant disease epidemiologist Peter...
Biosecurity Alert – Myrtle Rust
HIGH ALERT: June 2022, Myrtle Rust detected for first time in WA, in the Kimberley Travellers...
National Biosecurity Strategy Released
Australia’s first ever National Biosecurity Strategy, released in early August, outlines the key...
Fox Control Workshop – 31 August 2022
Where: Jack & Mary Kitchen Community Centre, 55 Thomas Street, Boyanup When: Wednesday, 31...
Positive Start to DPIRD’s Electric Weed Control Trials
Media Release DPIRD 2 August 2022 The first Australian trials of a device that uses electricity to...
PLEASE LOOKOUT for CLEAVERS & POKEWEED - Let's Stop Their Spread in Our Area! These weeds are...
Biosecurity Alert – Varroa Mite: Bee Biosecurity DPIRD Media Release 04 July 22
Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is an external parasite of honey bees and are considered the...
CAPE TULIP – CONTROL WHEN FLOWERS BEGIN TO BUD – Weed Wiper Provides for Cost-effective, Efficient Control
Cape Tulip, a declared pest and significant weed of pasture, contains toxic chemicals called...
The WA Feral Pig Advisory Group – LBG participates in group’s first committee meeting
Pigs eating at one of Leschenault Biosecurity Group's Feral Pig Control HOGGONE® System...
Have YOUR Say – Review of the BAM Act 2007
Image from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Stage 1 of the 2022 statutory...
Biosecurity Alert – Citrus Gall Wasp – Home Gardeners Urged to be on Look Out & Act Now
Distinctive woody bulges, or galls, on the shoots and branches of citrus trees are a sign of...
New Test to Assess Frost Risk to Plants
DPIRD research scientists Esther Walker and Dr Amanuel Bekuma examine a specimen for a new qPCR...
Biosecurity Alert – Polyphagous Shot-hole Borer – UPDATE (original alert 30 November 2021)
Pictured above, left to right: Polyphagous shot-hole borer in a maple tree; Exit holes in a tree...
Feral pigs on surveillance camera as part of LBG feral pig control trials within local orchard ...
BLACKBERRY CONTROL – LBG Support for the South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme
The LBG Quik Spray Chemical Spray Unit, pictured above, was employed on over 80 properties to...
Declared Pest Rates – State Invites Public Submissions thru 1 May 2022
Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) the State raises a Declared...
LBG Chair, Morrie Goodz, named Donnybrook Community Citizen of the Year
We wish to send a big congratulations to LBG's Board Chairperson, Morrie Goodz, recognised on...
Pokeweed Field Workshop – provide opportunity to be “up close and personal” with this highly toxic, relatively new weed to South West WA
Participants in Balingup area Pokeweed field excursion shared "hands-on" knowledge for identifying...
Talk of Shire _ LBG Executive Officer Interview on Donnybrook Community Radio
What do Recognised Biosecurity Groups do? How is the Declared Pest Rate used? How does any of this...
LBG Trailer-mounted Chemical Sprayer Training – with Focus on Blackberry Control
LBG Trailer-mounted Chemical Sprayer Induction with Focus on Blackberry Control Support Program ...
Statewide Biosecurity Supported by Declared Pest Rate
Declared Pest Control can only be successful in a strategic coordinated approach across the whole...
Celebration of Science Week 2021 – New Publication Shares Highlights of WA Agriculture & Aquaculture Research & Development Projects
PHOTO: The "Primary Industries Development Research Highlights 2021" showcases the breadth of...
August Workshops _ South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme
South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme Landholders are invited to come along to one of 3...
DPIRD – Be Biosecure for this Season’s Farm Field Days 30July21 Media Release
Biosecurity Mattes to ALL of Us! LBG wishes to share the below important message from DPIRD....
Fox Breeding Season Is Now!
As many community members are aware, we have a significant number of foxes throughout our South...
Bridal Creeper Control Program – Request for Expressions of Interest
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is seeking expressions of interest from landholders within...
Blackberry Control Program for Private Properties in Shire of Capel – Request for Expressions of Interest
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) for participation...
Thanks for Community Vigilance as 2020-21 Cotton Bush Control Season Comes to Close
Thank You to our Local Community Members for Helping Map & Control this Invasive Weed The...
2020/2021 Calicivirus RHDV1 K5 Release Participants – Feedback Request
Did YOU participate in our 2020/2021 Calicivirus RHDV1 K5 Release Program? From late 2020 through...
Winter Weeds Awareness Workshops
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group is hosting Winter Weeds Awareness Workshop at three sites within...
ABC News highlights Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Successful Feral Pig Control Trials
"Bacon preservative in magnetic boxes kills feral pigs in 'humane, quick' WA baiting trials" We...
DPIRD Invites Submissions on the Proposed Declared Pest Rates for Financial Year 2021-2022
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development invites submissions on the proposed...
Biosecurity ACTIONS _ WA Grain Growers Encouraged to Participate in National Surveillance Program
Grain storage resistance survey to protect profits and markets Grain growers with on-farm storage...
LBG at the Donnybrook Apple Festival 2021
Why does Biosecurity Matter to YOU? We ALL have our part to play in protecting our local area, our...
Preston River Revitalisation Project Information Session
Join the Leschenault Catchment Council on the 22nd April 2021 to hear about their Preston River...
Calling ALL Photgraphers _ Feral Animals Photos & Videos Contest – Enter by 30th April
The popular Feral Photo and Video Competition is underway by the Centre for Invasive Species...
LBG and Landowners Working Together for Successful Trials of New HOGGONE® Feral Pig Management System
Feral Pigs are a cause of serious agricultural and environmental damage within the Leschenault...
COVID-19 Update
Let's work together to keep our communities safe. In following the WA Health Department COVID-19...
LBG Meeting at Gelorup Community Centre to Discuss Declared Pest Management
LBG will be at the Gelorup Community Centre to Hear from YOU When: 3:30pm -4:30pm, Saturday, 13...
Ferguson River Blackberry Control Program Underway
Through funding received by Leschenault Catchment Council (LCC) from the Communities Combating...
K5 Release Rabbit Control Program Commencing January 2021
There is still time to register for our upcoming K5 Release Rabbit Control Program. ALREADY...
Collaboration for best outcomes – successes through working together this past year
Thank you to the landholders, communities, government agencies, industries and other organisations...
Have a happy and safe holiday! Our team will resume operations on 4th January 2021.
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday. Our team will resume...
COTTON BUSH NOW – Please help map this invasive weed
Leschenault Biosecurity Group is working with the South West Catchment Council and CSIRO to...
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group, Inc ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on 2 December 2020 Thanks to...
Biosecurity Alert – African Clubmoss
African clubmoss (Selaginella kraussiana), also known as Selaginella, or spreading clubmoss, is an...
LBG seeking new board members
ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT PEST AND WEED MANAGEMENT? Do you want to see a cooperative approach to...
Workshop highlights the need for Weed ID
Over forty guests participated in Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Weed Identification and Advice...
Time to treat the tulip!
Now is the time to prepare for treating Cape Tulip! Cape Tulip is notoriously difficult to...
LBG Info Packs for Landowners
All landowners within the Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s operational area will receive...
MEDIA RELEASE: Corella sightings in Donnybrook cause for concern
Leschenault Biosecurity Group Inc (LBG) is calling for residents and the farming community in...
Bridal Creeper Workshop
If you missed out on the workshop, download the following resources: RELEASING BRIDAL CREEPER RUST...
Weed discovered in South West threat to livestock
GOLDEN CROWNBEARD SIGHTINGS IN SOUTH WEST A new weed to the South West area was discovered earlier...
Newsletters, Updates & On-going Activities
Stay informed of current initiatives, programs and activities by reading our latest newsletters and updates and connecting with us on social media.
- LBG E-Newsletter February 2024
- LBG E-Newsletter January 2024
- LBG E-Newsletter December 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter November 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter September 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter August 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter July 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter June 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter April_May 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter March 2023
- LBG E-NEWSLETTER February 2023
- LBG E-NEWSLETTER January 2023
Calicivirus “K5” Release Program – Participant Workshops
Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 Release Program Participant Workshops Join us in a free workshop to gain an...
Feral Pig Control Workshop – part of the Saving Native Species in the Wellington National Park Project
Join us in Yabberup for a Feral Pig Control Workshop! Summer is the ideal time to take action to...
Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 Summer 2024-2025 Release Program
The LBG is facilitating its annual summer Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 (K5) Release Program with...
Biosecurity Alert – Be on lookout for invasive pokeweed
images - left to right: A single flowering pokeweed plant was recently confirmed in a Mirrabooka...
Invasive pest browsing ant eradicated from WA
DPIRD has eradicated the invasive pest, browsing ants, following a five year campaign, pictured...
Queensland Fruit Fly Detected in Perth’s Southern Suburbs
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is responding to the...
New Team to Support WA Bee Industry for Protection from Varroa Mite
Six new specialist DPIRD development officers will work with industry to help prevent the serious...
LBG Annual General Meeting
Join us at our upcoming AGM! REGISTER to Attend the LBG 2023-2024 AGM What: Leschenault...
South West to Watch for Rainbow Lorikeets
SW residents are asked to report any suspected sightings of Rainbow Lorikeets immediately to DPIRD...
Animals Seized in Suspected Illegal Trade Investigation
Operation combats suspected illegal animal trade A joint-agency investigation resulted in the...
Arum Lily Control Workshops
Biosecurity Alert – RAINBOW LORIKEETS
There have been some recent suspected sightings of Rainbow Lorikeets in the Australind/Bunbury...
LBG Winter Feral Pig Control – HOGGONE Successes Continue!
Winter Rains, Abundant Food Spur Increased Feral Pig Activity Landholders & LBG Work Together...
Bunbury-area Residents – Please Be On LOOKOUT for European wasps
Pictured above is WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Inspector, Kris...
WA Leads Way with Cutting Edge Equipment, Bolstering Biosecurity Measures within Livestock Industry
image from WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website WA Leads Way with...
Cleavers…Vigilance Required to Stop the Spread
Cleavers (Galium aparine) species is derived from the Greek word ‘clinging’ which is aptly named!...
Grants for Cattle Biosecurity Research & Development Projects
Funding is available for biosecurity research and development grants to protect and enhance...
“Pop-up” Rabbit Control Workshop @ Gelorup Community Market
Rabbits and Summer Weeds Management Advice LBG at the November Gelorup Market 10:30am - Sunday, 5...
Join us at our Annual General Meeting!
Join us at our upcoming AGM! REGISTER to Attend the LBG 2022-2023 AGM What: Leschenault...
Arum Lily Attack Underway
ARUM LILY ATTACK UNDERWAY Control time for Arum Lily is NOW while it is in full bloom. Let's work...
Locals Empowered and Qualifications Gained as Part of Collaborative Feral Pig Management Efforts
As part of collaborative feral pig management in the South West, the Leschenault Biosecurity Group...
BAM Act Review – Stage 3 Consultation
25 May 2023 Media Release from Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development Final...
National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023
The inaugural National Feral Pig Conference will be held 20-21 June 2023, with the purpose to...
Declared Pest Rate Consultation: Have Your Say
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) invites submissions on the...
Post-Fire Response to Weed Control
POST FIRE RESPONSE TO WEED CONTROL On the afternoon of the 20th of December, a fire started on...
Quarantine Area to Support Queensland Fruitfly Eradication
Residents and businesses in parts of the Cities of Bayswater and Belmont have been called on to...
WA DPIRD Quarantine Protocols Help Contain Marine Pest
To prevent the spread of carpet sea squirt (Didemnum vexillum), WA DPIRD Quarantine Area...
National Fruit Fly Symposium 2023 & Related Webniar Series
National Fruit Fly Symposium, 20-21 July 2023, Adelaide SA The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC)...
Pest Parrots and Cockatoos – Have YOUR Say thru new survey
Pest parrots and cockatoos the target of new survey - The WA Pest Parrot and Cockatoo Management...
Draft National Feral Deer Action Plan – Have Your Say
Image credit: A draft national plan to address the exploding numbers of...
Collaboration to Tackle Significant Cotton Bush Infestation
Cotton Bush Infestation inThomson Brook Collaboration provided for an effective treatment program...
Weeds as Fuel for Fire – An Added Challenge for Fire Control
Weeds as Fuel for Fire – Some Insights regarding the impact of weeds as an added challenge for...
Research Project Unblocks Barrier to Using Hot Water for Fruit Fly Disinfestation in Mangos
DPIRD technical officer Helena O’Dwyer (left), research scientist Tara Slaven and Griffith...
Sheep, cows and climate in the spotlight at Perth forum – Participate in Person or Online
Livestock producers, scientists and interested stakeholders are encouraged to register for...
AgriFutures Australia’s evokeAG 2023 Down to Earth – February 2023
evokeAG 2023 participants will include farmers, innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, investors,...
Operation Flower Meadow highlighting bee biosecurity traceability
DPIRD’s Operation Flower Meadow is underway to reinforce biosecurity traceability in WA’s valuable...
DPIRD call for assistance to locate declared pest birds
DPIRD Media Release - 24 November 2022: Call for public to help locate declared pest birds Even...
LBG featured in National Feral Pig Action Plan Newsletter
Leschenault Biosecurity Group is pleased to have our feral pig control program successes...
2022-2032 Threatened Species Action Plan Released
The Threatened Species Action Plan: Towards Zero Extinction was announced on 4 October 2022 by the...
BAM Act Review Stage 2 – Have your say thru 4 Dec 2022
Submissions to a review of WA’s biosecurity laws close on 4 December. The review will reinforce...
Tell NO PORKIES: Feral Pig Control is essential & a big part of the LBG’s on-going activities
Leschenault Biosecurity Group sets up feral pig control site in response to landholder reported...
Optimal Cotton Bush Control Time is NOW!
COTTON BUSH CONTROL is best achieved during Spring & Summer The time to control cotton bush is...
LBG Annual General Meeting 23 November 2022
Community members within our operational area are invited to our 2021-2022 Annual General Meeting ...
National Wild Dog Plan Survey – WA Respondents Sought
The National Wild Dog Action Plan organisation is seeking public input on the progress of wild dog...
Livestock Identification Compliance Operation _ DPIRD 30 Sept 2022 Media Release
Livestock identification in the spotlight for compliance operation Western Australian livestock...
Weeds ID & Advice Workshop
Weed Identification & Advice Workshop Join us for an informative, interactive workshop about...
‘Come Clean, Go Clean’ Field Days Biosecurity Reminder
DPIRD reminds people attending field days to clean vehicles, equipment, tools and clothing to...
Tree Pests in the Spotlight for 2022 Biosecurity Blitz
DPIRD senior development officer Rosalie McCauley (right) and plant disease epidemiologist Peter...
Biosecurity Alert – Myrtle Rust
HIGH ALERT: June 2022, Myrtle Rust detected for first time in WA, in the Kimberley Travellers...
National Biosecurity Strategy Released
Australia’s first ever National Biosecurity Strategy, released in early August, outlines the key...
Fox Control Workshop – 31 August 2022
Where: Jack & Mary Kitchen Community Centre, 55 Thomas Street, Boyanup When: Wednesday, 31...
Positive Start to DPIRD’s Electric Weed Control Trials
Media Release DPIRD 2 August 2022 The first Australian trials of a device that uses electricity to...
PLEASE LOOKOUT for CLEAVERS & POKEWEED - Let's Stop Their Spread in Our Area! These weeds are...
Biosecurity Alert – Varroa Mite: Bee Biosecurity DPIRD Media Release 04 July 22
Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is an external parasite of honey bees and are considered the...
CAPE TULIP – CONTROL WHEN FLOWERS BEGIN TO BUD – Weed Wiper Provides for Cost-effective, Efficient Control
Cape Tulip, a declared pest and significant weed of pasture, contains toxic chemicals called...
The WA Feral Pig Advisory Group – LBG participates in group’s first committee meeting
Pigs eating at one of Leschenault Biosecurity Group's Feral Pig Control HOGGONE® System...
Have YOUR Say – Review of the BAM Act 2007
Image from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Stage 1 of the 2022 statutory...
Biosecurity Alert – Citrus Gall Wasp – Home Gardeners Urged to be on Look Out & Act Now
Distinctive woody bulges, or galls, on the shoots and branches of citrus trees are a sign of...
New Test to Assess Frost Risk to Plants
DPIRD research scientists Esther Walker and Dr Amanuel Bekuma examine a specimen for a new qPCR...
Biosecurity Alert – Polyphagous Shot-hole Borer – UPDATE (original alert 30 November 2021)
Pictured above, left to right: Polyphagous shot-hole borer in a maple tree; Exit holes in a tree...
Feral pigs on surveillance camera as part of LBG feral pig control trials within local orchard ...
BLACKBERRY CONTROL – LBG Support for the South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme
The LBG Quik Spray Chemical Spray Unit, pictured above, was employed on over 80 properties to...
Declared Pest Rates – State Invites Public Submissions thru 1 May 2022
Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) the State raises a Declared...
LBG Chair, Morrie Goodz, named Donnybrook Community Citizen of the Year
We wish to send a big congratulations to LBG's Board Chairperson, Morrie Goodz, recognised on...
Pokeweed Field Workshop – provide opportunity to be “up close and personal” with this highly toxic, relatively new weed to South West WA
Participants in Balingup area Pokeweed field excursion shared "hands-on" knowledge for identifying...
Talk of Shire _ LBG Executive Officer Interview on Donnybrook Community Radio
What do Recognised Biosecurity Groups do? How is the Declared Pest Rate used? How does any of this...
LBG Trailer-mounted Chemical Sprayer Training – with Focus on Blackberry Control
LBG Trailer-mounted Chemical Sprayer Induction with Focus on Blackberry Control Support Program ...
Statewide Biosecurity Supported by Declared Pest Rate
Declared Pest Control can only be successful in a strategic coordinated approach across the whole...
Celebration of Science Week 2021 – New Publication Shares Highlights of WA Agriculture & Aquaculture Research & Development Projects
PHOTO: The "Primary Industries Development Research Highlights 2021" showcases the breadth of...
August Workshops _ South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme
South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme Landholders are invited to come along to one of 3...
DPIRD – Be Biosecure for this Season’s Farm Field Days 30July21 Media Release
Biosecurity Mattes to ALL of Us! LBG wishes to share the below important message from DPIRD....
Fox Breeding Season Is Now!
As many community members are aware, we have a significant number of foxes throughout our South...
Bridal Creeper Control Program – Request for Expressions of Interest
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is seeking expressions of interest from landholders within...
Blackberry Control Program for Private Properties in Shire of Capel – Request for Expressions of Interest
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) for participation...
Thanks for Community Vigilance as 2020-21 Cotton Bush Control Season Comes to Close
Thank You to our Local Community Members for Helping Map & Control this Invasive Weed The...
2020/2021 Calicivirus RHDV1 K5 Release Participants – Feedback Request
Did YOU participate in our 2020/2021 Calicivirus RHDV1 K5 Release Program? From late 2020 through...
Winter Weeds Awareness Workshops
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group is hosting Winter Weeds Awareness Workshop at three sites within...
ABC News highlights Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Successful Feral Pig Control Trials
"Bacon preservative in magnetic boxes kills feral pigs in 'humane, quick' WA baiting trials" We...
DPIRD Invites Submissions on the Proposed Declared Pest Rates for Financial Year 2021-2022
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development invites submissions on the proposed...
Biosecurity ACTIONS _ WA Grain Growers Encouraged to Participate in National Surveillance Program
Grain storage resistance survey to protect profits and markets Grain growers with on-farm storage...
LBG at the Donnybrook Apple Festival 2021
Why does Biosecurity Matter to YOU? We ALL have our part to play in protecting our local area, our...
Preston River Revitalisation Project Information Session
Join the Leschenault Catchment Council on the 22nd April 2021 to hear about their Preston River...
Calling ALL Photgraphers _ Feral Animals Photos & Videos Contest – Enter by 30th April
The popular Feral Photo and Video Competition is underway by the Centre for Invasive Species...
LBG and Landowners Working Together for Successful Trials of New HOGGONE® Feral Pig Management System
Feral Pigs are a cause of serious agricultural and environmental damage within the Leschenault...
COVID-19 Update
Let's work together to keep our communities safe. In following the WA Health Department COVID-19...
LBG Meeting at Gelorup Community Centre to Discuss Declared Pest Management
LBG will be at the Gelorup Community Centre to Hear from YOU When: 3:30pm -4:30pm, Saturday, 13...
Ferguson River Blackberry Control Program Underway
Through funding received by Leschenault Catchment Council (LCC) from the Communities Combating...
K5 Release Rabbit Control Program Commencing January 2021
There is still time to register for our upcoming K5 Release Rabbit Control Program. ALREADY...
Collaboration for best outcomes – successes through working together this past year
Thank you to the landholders, communities, government agencies, industries and other organisations...
Have a happy and safe holiday! Our team will resume operations on 4th January 2021.
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday. Our team will resume...
COTTON BUSH NOW – Please help map this invasive weed
Leschenault Biosecurity Group is working with the South West Catchment Council and CSIRO to...
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group, Inc ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on 2 December 2020 Thanks to...
Biosecurity Alert – African Clubmoss
African clubmoss (Selaginella kraussiana), also known as Selaginella, or spreading clubmoss, is an...
LBG seeking new board members
ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT PEST AND WEED MANAGEMENT? Do you want to see a cooperative approach to...
Workshop highlights the need for Weed ID
Over forty guests participated in Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Weed Identification and Advice...
Time to treat the tulip!
Now is the time to prepare for treating Cape Tulip! Cape Tulip is notoriously difficult to...
LBG Info Packs for Landowners
All landowners within the Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s operational area will receive...
MEDIA RELEASE: Corella sightings in Donnybrook cause for concern
Leschenault Biosecurity Group Inc (LBG) is calling for residents and the farming community in...
Bridal Creeper Workshop
If you missed out on the workshop, download the following resources: RELEASING BRIDAL CREEPER RUST...
Weed discovered in South West threat to livestock
GOLDEN CROWNBEARD SIGHTINGS IN SOUTH WEST A new weed to the South West area was discovered earlier...
Newsletters, Updates & On-going Activities
Stay informed of current initiatives, programs and activities by reading our latest newsletters and updates and connecting with us on social media.
- LBG E-Newsletter February 2024
- LBG E-Newsletter January 2024
- LBG E-Newsletter December 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter November 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter September 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter August 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter July 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter June 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter April_May 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter March 2023
- LBG E-NEWSLETTER February 2023
- LBG E-NEWSLETTER January 2023
Calicivirus “K5” Release Program – Participant Workshops
Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 Release Program Participant Workshops Join us in a free workshop to gain an...
Feral Pig Control Workshop – part of the Saving Native Species in the Wellington National Park Project
Join us in Yabberup for a Feral Pig Control Workshop! Summer is the ideal time to take action to...
Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 Summer 2024-2025 Release Program
The LBG is facilitating its annual summer Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 (K5) Release Program with...
Biosecurity Alert – Be on lookout for invasive pokeweed
images - left to right: A single flowering pokeweed plant was recently confirmed in a Mirrabooka...
Invasive pest browsing ant eradicated from WA
DPIRD has eradicated the invasive pest, browsing ants, following a five year campaign, pictured...
Queensland Fruit Fly Detected in Perth’s Southern Suburbs
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is responding to the...
New Team to Support WA Bee Industry for Protection from Varroa Mite
Six new specialist DPIRD development officers will work with industry to help prevent the serious...
LBG Annual General Meeting
Join us at our upcoming AGM! REGISTER to Attend the LBG 2023-2024 AGM What: Leschenault...
South West to Watch for Rainbow Lorikeets
SW residents are asked to report any suspected sightings of Rainbow Lorikeets immediately to DPIRD...
Animals Seized in Suspected Illegal Trade Investigation
Operation combats suspected illegal animal trade A joint-agency investigation resulted in the...
Arum Lily Control Workshops
Biosecurity Alert – RAINBOW LORIKEETS
There have been some recent suspected sightings of Rainbow Lorikeets in the Australind/Bunbury...
LBG Winter Feral Pig Control – HOGGONE Successes Continue!
Winter Rains, Abundant Food Spur Increased Feral Pig Activity Landholders & LBG Work Together...
Bunbury-area Residents – Please Be On LOOKOUT for European wasps
Pictured above is WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Inspector, Kris...
WA Leads Way with Cutting Edge Equipment, Bolstering Biosecurity Measures within Livestock Industry
image from WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website WA Leads Way with...
Cleavers…Vigilance Required to Stop the Spread
Cleavers (Galium aparine) species is derived from the Greek word ‘clinging’ which is aptly named!...
Grants for Cattle Biosecurity Research & Development Projects
Funding is available for biosecurity research and development grants to protect and enhance...
“Pop-up” Rabbit Control Workshop @ Gelorup Community Market
Rabbits and Summer Weeds Management Advice LBG at the November Gelorup Market 10:30am - Sunday, 5...
Join us at our Annual General Meeting!
Join us at our upcoming AGM! REGISTER to Attend the LBG 2022-2023 AGM What: Leschenault...
Arum Lily Attack Underway
ARUM LILY ATTACK UNDERWAY Control time for Arum Lily is NOW while it is in full bloom. Let's work...
Locals Empowered and Qualifications Gained as Part of Collaborative Feral Pig Management Efforts
As part of collaborative feral pig management in the South West, the Leschenault Biosecurity Group...
BAM Act Review – Stage 3 Consultation
25 May 2023 Media Release from Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development Final...
National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023
The inaugural National Feral Pig Conference will be held 20-21 June 2023, with the purpose to...
Declared Pest Rate Consultation: Have Your Say
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) invites submissions on the...
Post-Fire Response to Weed Control
POST FIRE RESPONSE TO WEED CONTROL On the afternoon of the 20th of December, a fire started on...
Quarantine Area to Support Queensland Fruitfly Eradication
Residents and businesses in parts of the Cities of Bayswater and Belmont have been called on to...
WA DPIRD Quarantine Protocols Help Contain Marine Pest
To prevent the spread of carpet sea squirt (Didemnum vexillum), WA DPIRD Quarantine Area...
National Fruit Fly Symposium 2023 & Related Webniar Series
National Fruit Fly Symposium, 20-21 July 2023, Adelaide SA The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC)...
Pest Parrots and Cockatoos – Have YOUR Say thru new survey
Pest parrots and cockatoos the target of new survey - The WA Pest Parrot and Cockatoo Management...
Draft National Feral Deer Action Plan – Have Your Say
Image credit: A draft national plan to address the exploding numbers of...
Collaboration to Tackle Significant Cotton Bush Infestation
Cotton Bush Infestation inThomson Brook Collaboration provided for an effective treatment program...
Weeds as Fuel for Fire – An Added Challenge for Fire Control
Weeds as Fuel for Fire – Some Insights regarding the impact of weeds as an added challenge for...
Research Project Unblocks Barrier to Using Hot Water for Fruit Fly Disinfestation in Mangos
DPIRD technical officer Helena O’Dwyer (left), research scientist Tara Slaven and Griffith...
Sheep, cows and climate in the spotlight at Perth forum – Participate in Person or Online
Livestock producers, scientists and interested stakeholders are encouraged to register for...
AgriFutures Australia’s evokeAG 2023 Down to Earth – February 2023
evokeAG 2023 participants will include farmers, innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, investors,...
Operation Flower Meadow highlighting bee biosecurity traceability
DPIRD’s Operation Flower Meadow is underway to reinforce biosecurity traceability in WA’s valuable...
DPIRD call for assistance to locate declared pest birds
DPIRD Media Release - 24 November 2022: Call for public to help locate declared pest birds Even...
LBG featured in National Feral Pig Action Plan Newsletter
Leschenault Biosecurity Group is pleased to have our feral pig control program successes...
2022-2032 Threatened Species Action Plan Released
The Threatened Species Action Plan: Towards Zero Extinction was announced on 4 October 2022 by the...
BAM Act Review Stage 2 – Have your say thru 4 Dec 2022
Submissions to a review of WA’s biosecurity laws close on 4 December. The review will reinforce...
Tell NO PORKIES: Feral Pig Control is essential & a big part of the LBG’s on-going activities
Leschenault Biosecurity Group sets up feral pig control site in response to landholder reported...
Optimal Cotton Bush Control Time is NOW!
COTTON BUSH CONTROL is best achieved during Spring & Summer The time to control cotton bush is...
LBG Annual General Meeting 23 November 2022
Community members within our operational area are invited to our 2021-2022 Annual General Meeting ...
National Wild Dog Plan Survey – WA Respondents Sought
The National Wild Dog Action Plan organisation is seeking public input on the progress of wild dog...
Livestock Identification Compliance Operation _ DPIRD 30 Sept 2022 Media Release
Livestock identification in the spotlight for compliance operation Western Australian livestock...
Weeds ID & Advice Workshop
Weed Identification & Advice Workshop Join us for an informative, interactive workshop about...
‘Come Clean, Go Clean’ Field Days Biosecurity Reminder
DPIRD reminds people attending field days to clean vehicles, equipment, tools and clothing to...
Tree Pests in the Spotlight for 2022 Biosecurity Blitz
DPIRD senior development officer Rosalie McCauley (right) and plant disease epidemiologist Peter...
Biosecurity Alert – Myrtle Rust
HIGH ALERT: June 2022, Myrtle Rust detected for first time in WA, in the Kimberley Travellers...
National Biosecurity Strategy Released
Australia’s first ever National Biosecurity Strategy, released in early August, outlines the key...
Fox Control Workshop – 31 August 2022
Where: Jack & Mary Kitchen Community Centre, 55 Thomas Street, Boyanup When: Wednesday, 31...
Positive Start to DPIRD’s Electric Weed Control Trials
Media Release DPIRD 2 August 2022 The first Australian trials of a device that uses electricity to...
PLEASE LOOKOUT for CLEAVERS & POKEWEED - Let's Stop Their Spread in Our Area! These weeds are...
Biosecurity Alert – Varroa Mite: Bee Biosecurity DPIRD Media Release 04 July 22
Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is an external parasite of honey bees and are considered the...
CAPE TULIP – CONTROL WHEN FLOWERS BEGIN TO BUD – Weed Wiper Provides for Cost-effective, Efficient Control
Cape Tulip, a declared pest and significant weed of pasture, contains toxic chemicals called...
The WA Feral Pig Advisory Group – LBG participates in group’s first committee meeting
Pigs eating at one of Leschenault Biosecurity Group's Feral Pig Control HOGGONE® System...
Have YOUR Say – Review of the BAM Act 2007
Image from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Stage 1 of the 2022 statutory...
Biosecurity Alert – Citrus Gall Wasp – Home Gardeners Urged to be on Look Out & Act Now
Distinctive woody bulges, or galls, on the shoots and branches of citrus trees are a sign of...
New Test to Assess Frost Risk to Plants
DPIRD research scientists Esther Walker and Dr Amanuel Bekuma examine a specimen for a new qPCR...
Biosecurity Alert – Polyphagous Shot-hole Borer – UPDATE (original alert 30 November 2021)
Pictured above, left to right: Polyphagous shot-hole borer in a maple tree; Exit holes in a tree...
Feral pigs on surveillance camera as part of LBG feral pig control trials within local orchard ...
BLACKBERRY CONTROL – LBG Support for the South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme
The LBG Quik Spray Chemical Spray Unit, pictured above, was employed on over 80 properties to...
Declared Pest Rates – State Invites Public Submissions thru 1 May 2022
Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) the State raises a Declared...
LBG Chair, Morrie Goodz, named Donnybrook Community Citizen of the Year
We wish to send a big congratulations to LBG's Board Chairperson, Morrie Goodz, recognised on...
Pokeweed Field Workshop – provide opportunity to be “up close and personal” with this highly toxic, relatively new weed to South West WA
Participants in Balingup area Pokeweed field excursion shared "hands-on" knowledge for identifying...
Talk of Shire _ LBG Executive Officer Interview on Donnybrook Community Radio
What do Recognised Biosecurity Groups do? How is the Declared Pest Rate used? How does any of this...
LBG Trailer-mounted Chemical Sprayer Training – with Focus on Blackberry Control
LBG Trailer-mounted Chemical Sprayer Induction with Focus on Blackberry Control Support Program ...
Statewide Biosecurity Supported by Declared Pest Rate
Declared Pest Control can only be successful in a strategic coordinated approach across the whole...
Celebration of Science Week 2021 – New Publication Shares Highlights of WA Agriculture & Aquaculture Research & Development Projects
PHOTO: The "Primary Industries Development Research Highlights 2021" showcases the breadth of...
August Workshops _ South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme
South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme Landholders are invited to come along to one of 3...
DPIRD – Be Biosecure for this Season’s Farm Field Days 30July21 Media Release
Biosecurity Mattes to ALL of Us! LBG wishes to share the below important message from DPIRD....
Fox Breeding Season Is Now!
As many community members are aware, we have a significant number of foxes throughout our South...
Bridal Creeper Control Program – Request for Expressions of Interest
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is seeking expressions of interest from landholders within...
Blackberry Control Program for Private Properties in Shire of Capel – Request for Expressions of Interest
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) for participation...
Thanks for Community Vigilance as 2020-21 Cotton Bush Control Season Comes to Close
Thank You to our Local Community Members for Helping Map & Control this Invasive Weed The...
2020/2021 Calicivirus RHDV1 K5 Release Participants – Feedback Request
Did YOU participate in our 2020/2021 Calicivirus RHDV1 K5 Release Program? From late 2020 through...
Winter Weeds Awareness Workshops
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group is hosting Winter Weeds Awareness Workshop at three sites within...
ABC News highlights Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Successful Feral Pig Control Trials
"Bacon preservative in magnetic boxes kills feral pigs in 'humane, quick' WA baiting trials" We...
DPIRD Invites Submissions on the Proposed Declared Pest Rates for Financial Year 2021-2022
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development invites submissions on the proposed...
Biosecurity ACTIONS _ WA Grain Growers Encouraged to Participate in National Surveillance Program
Grain storage resistance survey to protect profits and markets Grain growers with on-farm storage...
LBG at the Donnybrook Apple Festival 2021
Why does Biosecurity Matter to YOU? We ALL have our part to play in protecting our local area, our...
Preston River Revitalisation Project Information Session
Join the Leschenault Catchment Council on the 22nd April 2021 to hear about their Preston River...
Calling ALL Photgraphers _ Feral Animals Photos & Videos Contest – Enter by 30th April
The popular Feral Photo and Video Competition is underway by the Centre for Invasive Species...
LBG and Landowners Working Together for Successful Trials of New HOGGONE® Feral Pig Management System
Feral Pigs are a cause of serious agricultural and environmental damage within the Leschenault...
COVID-19 Update
Let's work together to keep our communities safe. In following the WA Health Department COVID-19...
LBG Meeting at Gelorup Community Centre to Discuss Declared Pest Management
LBG will be at the Gelorup Community Centre to Hear from YOU When: 3:30pm -4:30pm, Saturday, 13...
Ferguson River Blackberry Control Program Underway
Through funding received by Leschenault Catchment Council (LCC) from the Communities Combating...
K5 Release Rabbit Control Program Commencing January 2021
There is still time to register for our upcoming K5 Release Rabbit Control Program. ALREADY...
Collaboration for best outcomes – successes through working together this past year
Thank you to the landholders, communities, government agencies, industries and other organisations...
Have a happy and safe holiday! Our team will resume operations on 4th January 2021.
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday. Our team will resume...
COTTON BUSH NOW – Please help map this invasive weed
Leschenault Biosecurity Group is working with the South West Catchment Council and CSIRO to...
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group, Inc ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on 2 December 2020 Thanks to...
Biosecurity Alert – African Clubmoss
African clubmoss (Selaginella kraussiana), also known as Selaginella, or spreading clubmoss, is an...
LBG seeking new board members
ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT PEST AND WEED MANAGEMENT? Do you want to see a cooperative approach to...
Workshop highlights the need for Weed ID
Over forty guests participated in Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Weed Identification and Advice...
Time to treat the tulip!
Now is the time to prepare for treating Cape Tulip! Cape Tulip is notoriously difficult to...
LBG Info Packs for Landowners
All landowners within the Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s operational area will receive...
MEDIA RELEASE: Corella sightings in Donnybrook cause for concern
Leschenault Biosecurity Group Inc (LBG) is calling for residents and the farming community in...
Bridal Creeper Workshop
If you missed out on the workshop, download the following resources: RELEASING BRIDAL CREEPER RUST...
Weed discovered in South West threat to livestock
GOLDEN CROWNBEARD SIGHTINGS IN SOUTH WEST A new weed to the South West area was discovered earlier...
Newsletters, Updates & On-going Activities
Stay informed of current initiatives, programs and activities by reading our latest newsletters and updates and connecting with us on social media.
- LBG E-Newsletter February 2024
- LBG E-Newsletter January 2024
- LBG E-Newsletter December 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter November 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter September 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter August 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter July 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter June 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter April_May 2023
- LBG E-Newsletter March 2023
- LBG E-NEWSLETTER February 2023
- LBG E-NEWSLETTER January 2023
Calicivirus “K5” Release Program – Participant Workshops
Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 Release Program Participant Workshops Join us in a free workshop to gain an...
Feral Pig Control Workshop – part of the Saving Native Species in the Wellington National Park Project
Join us in Yabberup for a Feral Pig Control Workshop! Summer is the ideal time to take action to...
Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 Summer 2024-2025 Release Program
The LBG is facilitating its annual summer Calicivirus RHDV1-K5 (K5) Release Program with...
Biosecurity Alert – Be on lookout for invasive pokeweed
images - left to right: A single flowering pokeweed plant was recently confirmed in a Mirrabooka...
Invasive pest browsing ant eradicated from WA
DPIRD has eradicated the invasive pest, browsing ants, following a five year campaign, pictured...
Queensland Fruit Fly Detected in Perth’s Southern Suburbs
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is responding to the...
New Team to Support WA Bee Industry for Protection from Varroa Mite
Six new specialist DPIRD development officers will work with industry to help prevent the serious...
LBG Annual General Meeting
Join us at our upcoming AGM! REGISTER to Attend the LBG 2023-2024 AGM What: Leschenault...
South West to Watch for Rainbow Lorikeets
SW residents are asked to report any suspected sightings of Rainbow Lorikeets immediately to DPIRD...
Animals Seized in Suspected Illegal Trade Investigation
Operation combats suspected illegal animal trade A joint-agency investigation resulted in the...
Arum Lily Control Workshops
Biosecurity Alert – RAINBOW LORIKEETS
There have been some recent suspected sightings of Rainbow Lorikeets in the Australind/Bunbury...
LBG Winter Feral Pig Control – HOGGONE Successes Continue!
Winter Rains, Abundant Food Spur Increased Feral Pig Activity Landholders & LBG Work Together...
Bunbury-area Residents – Please Be On LOOKOUT for European wasps
Pictured above is WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Inspector, Kris...
WA Leads Way with Cutting Edge Equipment, Bolstering Biosecurity Measures within Livestock Industry
image from WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website WA Leads Way with...
Cleavers…Vigilance Required to Stop the Spread
Cleavers (Galium aparine) species is derived from the Greek word ‘clinging’ which is aptly named!...
Grants for Cattle Biosecurity Research & Development Projects
Funding is available for biosecurity research and development grants to protect and enhance...
“Pop-up” Rabbit Control Workshop @ Gelorup Community Market
Rabbits and Summer Weeds Management Advice LBG at the November Gelorup Market 10:30am - Sunday, 5...
Join us at our Annual General Meeting!
Join us at our upcoming AGM! REGISTER to Attend the LBG 2022-2023 AGM What: Leschenault...
Arum Lily Attack Underway
ARUM LILY ATTACK UNDERWAY Control time for Arum Lily is NOW while it is in full bloom. Let's work...
Locals Empowered and Qualifications Gained as Part of Collaborative Feral Pig Management Efforts
As part of collaborative feral pig management in the South West, the Leschenault Biosecurity Group...
BAM Act Review – Stage 3 Consultation
25 May 2023 Media Release from Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development Final...
National Feral Pig Conference 20-21 June 2023
The inaugural National Feral Pig Conference will be held 20-21 June 2023, with the purpose to...
Declared Pest Rate Consultation: Have Your Say
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) invites submissions on the...
Post-Fire Response to Weed Control
POST FIRE RESPONSE TO WEED CONTROL On the afternoon of the 20th of December, a fire started on...
Quarantine Area to Support Queensland Fruitfly Eradication
Residents and businesses in parts of the Cities of Bayswater and Belmont have been called on to...
WA DPIRD Quarantine Protocols Help Contain Marine Pest
To prevent the spread of carpet sea squirt (Didemnum vexillum), WA DPIRD Quarantine Area...
National Fruit Fly Symposium 2023 & Related Webniar Series
National Fruit Fly Symposium, 20-21 July 2023, Adelaide SA The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC)...
Pest Parrots and Cockatoos – Have YOUR Say thru new survey
Pest parrots and cockatoos the target of new survey - The WA Pest Parrot and Cockatoo Management...
Draft National Feral Deer Action Plan – Have Your Say
Image credit: A draft national plan to address the exploding numbers of...
Collaboration to Tackle Significant Cotton Bush Infestation
Cotton Bush Infestation inThomson Brook Collaboration provided for an effective treatment program...
Weeds as Fuel for Fire – An Added Challenge for Fire Control
Weeds as Fuel for Fire – Some Insights regarding the impact of weeds as an added challenge for...
Research Project Unblocks Barrier to Using Hot Water for Fruit Fly Disinfestation in Mangos
DPIRD technical officer Helena O’Dwyer (left), research scientist Tara Slaven and Griffith...
Sheep, cows and climate in the spotlight at Perth forum – Participate in Person or Online
Livestock producers, scientists and interested stakeholders are encouraged to register for...
AgriFutures Australia’s evokeAG 2023 Down to Earth – February 2023
evokeAG 2023 participants will include farmers, innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, investors,...
Operation Flower Meadow highlighting bee biosecurity traceability
DPIRD’s Operation Flower Meadow is underway to reinforce biosecurity traceability in WA’s valuable...
DPIRD call for assistance to locate declared pest birds
DPIRD Media Release - 24 November 2022: Call for public to help locate declared pest birds Even...
LBG featured in National Feral Pig Action Plan Newsletter
Leschenault Biosecurity Group is pleased to have our feral pig control program successes...
2022-2032 Threatened Species Action Plan Released
The Threatened Species Action Plan: Towards Zero Extinction was announced on 4 October 2022 by the...
BAM Act Review Stage 2 – Have your say thru 4 Dec 2022
Submissions to a review of WA’s biosecurity laws close on 4 December. The review will reinforce...
Tell NO PORKIES: Feral Pig Control is essential & a big part of the LBG’s on-going activities
Leschenault Biosecurity Group sets up feral pig control site in response to landholder reported...
Optimal Cotton Bush Control Time is NOW!
COTTON BUSH CONTROL is best achieved during Spring & Summer The time to control cotton bush is...
LBG Annual General Meeting 23 November 2022
Community members within our operational area are invited to our 2021-2022 Annual General Meeting ...
National Wild Dog Plan Survey – WA Respondents Sought
The National Wild Dog Action Plan organisation is seeking public input on the progress of wild dog...
Livestock Identification Compliance Operation _ DPIRD 30 Sept 2022 Media Release
Livestock identification in the spotlight for compliance operation Western Australian livestock...
Weeds ID & Advice Workshop
Weed Identification & Advice Workshop Join us for an informative, interactive workshop about...
‘Come Clean, Go Clean’ Field Days Biosecurity Reminder
DPIRD reminds people attending field days to clean vehicles, equipment, tools and clothing to...
Tree Pests in the Spotlight for 2022 Biosecurity Blitz
DPIRD senior development officer Rosalie McCauley (right) and plant disease epidemiologist Peter...
Biosecurity Alert – Myrtle Rust
HIGH ALERT: June 2022, Myrtle Rust detected for first time in WA, in the Kimberley Travellers...
National Biosecurity Strategy Released
Australia’s first ever National Biosecurity Strategy, released in early August, outlines the key...
Fox Control Workshop – 31 August 2022
Where: Jack & Mary Kitchen Community Centre, 55 Thomas Street, Boyanup When: Wednesday, 31...
Positive Start to DPIRD’s Electric Weed Control Trials
Media Release DPIRD 2 August 2022 The first Australian trials of a device that uses electricity to...
PLEASE LOOKOUT for CLEAVERS & POKEWEED - Let's Stop Their Spread in Our Area! These weeds are...
Biosecurity Alert – Varroa Mite: Bee Biosecurity DPIRD Media Release 04 July 22
Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is an external parasite of honey bees and are considered the...
CAPE TULIP – CONTROL WHEN FLOWERS BEGIN TO BUD – Weed Wiper Provides for Cost-effective, Efficient Control
Cape Tulip, a declared pest and significant weed of pasture, contains toxic chemicals called...
The WA Feral Pig Advisory Group – LBG participates in group’s first committee meeting
Pigs eating at one of Leschenault Biosecurity Group's Feral Pig Control HOGGONE® System...
Have YOUR Say – Review of the BAM Act 2007
Image from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Stage 1 of the 2022 statutory...
Biosecurity Alert – Citrus Gall Wasp – Home Gardeners Urged to be on Look Out & Act Now
Distinctive woody bulges, or galls, on the shoots and branches of citrus trees are a sign of...
New Test to Assess Frost Risk to Plants
DPIRD research scientists Esther Walker and Dr Amanuel Bekuma examine a specimen for a new qPCR...
Biosecurity Alert – Polyphagous Shot-hole Borer – UPDATE (original alert 30 November 2021)
Pictured above, left to right: Polyphagous shot-hole borer in a maple tree; Exit holes in a tree...
Feral pigs on surveillance camera as part of LBG feral pig control trials within local orchard ...
BLACKBERRY CONTROL – LBG Support for the South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme
The LBG Quik Spray Chemical Spray Unit, pictured above, was employed on over 80 properties to...
Declared Pest Rates – State Invites Public Submissions thru 1 May 2022
Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) the State raises a Declared...
LBG Chair, Morrie Goodz, named Donnybrook Community Citizen of the Year
We wish to send a big congratulations to LBG's Board Chairperson, Morrie Goodz, recognised on...
Pokeweed Field Workshop – provide opportunity to be “up close and personal” with this highly toxic, relatively new weed to South West WA
Participants in Balingup area Pokeweed field excursion shared "hands-on" knowledge for identifying...
Talk of Shire _ LBG Executive Officer Interview on Donnybrook Community Radio
What do Recognised Biosecurity Groups do? How is the Declared Pest Rate used? How does any of this...
LBG Trailer-mounted Chemical Sprayer Training – with Focus on Blackberry Control
LBG Trailer-mounted Chemical Sprayer Induction with Focus on Blackberry Control Support Program ...
Statewide Biosecurity Supported by Declared Pest Rate
Declared Pest Control can only be successful in a strategic coordinated approach across the whole...
Celebration of Science Week 2021 – New Publication Shares Highlights of WA Agriculture & Aquaculture Research & Development Projects
PHOTO: The "Primary Industries Development Research Highlights 2021" showcases the breadth of...
August Workshops _ South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme
South West Collaborative Blackberry Scheme Landholders are invited to come along to one of 3...
DPIRD – Be Biosecure for this Season’s Farm Field Days 30July21 Media Release
Biosecurity Mattes to ALL of Us! LBG wishes to share the below important message from DPIRD....
Fox Breeding Season Is Now!
As many community members are aware, we have a significant number of foxes throughout our South...
Bridal Creeper Control Program – Request for Expressions of Interest
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is seeking expressions of interest from landholders within...
Blackberry Control Program for Private Properties in Shire of Capel – Request for Expressions of Interest
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group (LBG) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) for participation...
Thanks for Community Vigilance as 2020-21 Cotton Bush Control Season Comes to Close
Thank You to our Local Community Members for Helping Map & Control this Invasive Weed The...
2020/2021 Calicivirus RHDV1 K5 Release Participants – Feedback Request
Did YOU participate in our 2020/2021 Calicivirus RHDV1 K5 Release Program? From late 2020 through...
Winter Weeds Awareness Workshops
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group is hosting Winter Weeds Awareness Workshop at three sites within...
ABC News highlights Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Successful Feral Pig Control Trials
"Bacon preservative in magnetic boxes kills feral pigs in 'humane, quick' WA baiting trials" We...
DPIRD Invites Submissions on the Proposed Declared Pest Rates for Financial Year 2021-2022
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development invites submissions on the proposed...
Biosecurity ACTIONS _ WA Grain Growers Encouraged to Participate in National Surveillance Program
Grain storage resistance survey to protect profits and markets Grain growers with on-farm storage...
LBG at the Donnybrook Apple Festival 2021
Why does Biosecurity Matter to YOU? We ALL have our part to play in protecting our local area, our...
Preston River Revitalisation Project Information Session
Join the Leschenault Catchment Council on the 22nd April 2021 to hear about their Preston River...
Calling ALL Photgraphers _ Feral Animals Photos & Videos Contest – Enter by 30th April
The popular Feral Photo and Video Competition is underway by the Centre for Invasive Species...
LBG and Landowners Working Together for Successful Trials of New HOGGONE® Feral Pig Management System
Feral Pigs are a cause of serious agricultural and environmental damage within the Leschenault...
COVID-19 Update
Let's work together to keep our communities safe. In following the WA Health Department COVID-19...
LBG Meeting at Gelorup Community Centre to Discuss Declared Pest Management
LBG will be at the Gelorup Community Centre to Hear from YOU When: 3:30pm -4:30pm, Saturday, 13...
Ferguson River Blackberry Control Program Underway
Through funding received by Leschenault Catchment Council (LCC) from the Communities Combating...
K5 Release Rabbit Control Program Commencing January 2021
There is still time to register for our upcoming K5 Release Rabbit Control Program. ALREADY...
Collaboration for best outcomes – successes through working together this past year
Thank you to the landholders, communities, government agencies, industries and other organisations...
Have a happy and safe holiday! Our team will resume operations on 4th January 2021.
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday. Our team will resume...
COTTON BUSH NOW – Please help map this invasive weed
Leschenault Biosecurity Group is working with the South West Catchment Council and CSIRO to...
The Leschenault Biosecurity Group, Inc ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held on 2 December 2020 Thanks to...
Biosecurity Alert – African Clubmoss
African clubmoss (Selaginella kraussiana), also known as Selaginella, or spreading clubmoss, is an...
LBG seeking new board members
ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT PEST AND WEED MANAGEMENT? Do you want to see a cooperative approach to...
Workshop highlights the need for Weed ID
Over forty guests participated in Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s Weed Identification and Advice...
Time to treat the tulip!
Now is the time to prepare for treating Cape Tulip! Cape Tulip is notoriously difficult to...
LBG Info Packs for Landowners
All landowners within the Leschenault Biosecurity Group’s operational area will receive...
MEDIA RELEASE: Corella sightings in Donnybrook cause for concern
Leschenault Biosecurity Group Inc (LBG) is calling for residents and the farming community in...
Bridal Creeper Workshop
If you missed out on the workshop, download the following resources: RELEASING BRIDAL CREEPER RUST...
Weed discovered in South West threat to livestock
GOLDEN CROWNBEARD SIGHTINGS IN SOUTH WEST A new weed to the South West area was discovered earlier...